- Free label templates downloads for cap stickers and roller labels for Be Adaptiv Make & Take handout
- Tools, graphics or updates based on doTERRA announcements during this time period
- Zooms with Lisa Zimmer March 24 - April 8, 2022 OR recorded videos on replay
- Problem Solving Q & A's in your biz
- Maximizing your social media personal timeline for biz without breaking the social media rules
- Increasing Enrollments on the Spot in person and online
- Permanent access to course on facebook as long as facebook doesn't make changes to groups.
- Exclusive Lisa Zimmer graphics & downloads
Per the Terms of Service, these documents are for personal use only. Each sharer and builder must purchase their own rights to use this training material. The free pdf file downloads in the group are not to be distributed to others. They are available for your sharers and builders when they purchase access to WWZD courses.